Engel Lefaucheux
ISFP Researcher In Inria Nancy, Loria within the VeriDis team.
Until 2021 I was a Post-doctoral researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems in Sarrebrucken,
under the supervision of Joël Ouaknine.
From 2015 to 2018 I was a PhD student under the co-supervision of Nathalie Bertrand at IRISA Rennes (Team SUMO)
and of Serge Haddad at ENS Cachan (LSV, team MExICo).
My PHD focused on controlling information in probabilistic systems.
Here is a deprecated CV (in french).
email: engel.lefaucheux (at) inria.fr
My main research interests include:
Decision, control, and synthesis problems for continuous and discrete linear dynamical systems
(using tools from number theory, Diophantine geometry, algebraic geometry)
Automated verification of real-time, probabilistic, and infinite-state systems
(e.g. model-checking algorithms, synthesis problems, complexity)
Logic and applications to verification
Modelisation of systems (in particular through probabilistic programming)
Porous invariants builder for affine programs
Controller of timed automata to ensure opacity
I am always interested in supervising internships (or PhD students though funding is harder to obtain). Here are some projects I am interested in supervising for instance.